Listy Limon, VP of National Production, Honored on National Mortgage Professional’s Top 40 Under 40 List

Full list of honorees can be found on National Mortgage Professional’s Top 40 Under 40.

In this issue, we highlight forty individual mortgage professionals under 40 years old who bring something special to their job each day, and in doing so help to elevate this industry for all of us. This isn’t a definitive list, it’s an emblematic one: for each of these achievers, there are many more like them, also propelling us forward. But in these stories, in these 40, we capture this year’s spirit of triumph.

We are proud to announce that Listy Limon, Homespire Mortgage’s VP of National Production has been named to National Mortgage Professional’s Top 40 Under 40 List for 2022. This is a huge honor and one that is well-deserved for Listy!

Listy Limon 40 under 40 headshot

VP of National Production
Homespire Mortgage

What is one of your most important values as a mortgage professional? Why?
As a big believer in servant leadership, helping employees succeed in navigating their own personal paths and obtain their goals is a passion and priority for me. The opportunity to guide people in their careers, helping them hit that next level of success, is an important responsibility.

What advice would you give to those just getting started?
My top personal mottos are – lead by example, never stop learning, and knowledge is power. Essentially, combined these will help guide those getting started to build out their plan. It’s crucial for success (especially on the selling side) to ask – what does my Year One look like? Year Five? Year 10? Learning is another important piece. Learn everything, all aspects of the role. Frequently signing up for training and education opportunities will help you become an expert of your craft.

What is the most important or valuable advice that you have received since being in the mortgage industry?
Use your unique skills to achieve your victories. Understanding your personal qualities and applying them to your purpose is going to help you succeed big. Often people try to mimic the styles of their peers, and that is not always the best move (or their best quality). Finding out what fits you best will also show what makes you special and standout.

What significant changes would you like to see from the mortgage industry in 2022?
With the market shifts of 2021 driven by the pandemic, last year saw a lot of newer, younger recruits given more opportunities. However, now that the markets are somewhat stabilizing, it’s uncertain if that will continue for 2022. The industry needs the next generation to thrive.


The above excerpt is shared from National Mortgage Professional’s Top 40 Under 40. Click here to view the list.